For travel vaccines: First, you wait in line at the front desk to obtain a number to see
the doctor. After you speak with the doctor/nurse about the purpose of your visit he/she
will fill out a form selecting the vaccines you need. If you need to go back for a vaccine series they will
give you a sheet with the dates that you are to return on. You
must present this sheet when you go in for the vaccines each time.
Next, you go back up to the front desk and wait in line to obtain a number to see the nurse to get your vaccines. Again, if you have to return to finish a series vaccine, make sure you have your sheet with the dates. Next time you come in you won't have to see the doctor. Just bring the vaccine sheet with the date to the front desk and obtain a number to receive your vaccine.
I went during hajj so it was very busy (it took me about 3 1/2 hours). I also went back another time when it wasn't a holiday and it took under an hour. The key is to get there when they open at 0700 during the week.
One more thing. When you walk in there is a women's entrance on the left and a separate front desk and a men's entrance on the right with a front desk. If you go with your spouse you can see each other, but there is a partition. There is also a separate waiting area with chairs and a room each for men and women to get vaccines.
The nurses there are very nice and work hard, giving vaccines constantly. This particular site sees many mothers and babies, as Qatar is beginning to more widely vaccinate the younger generations.
Most other places I went to look for vaccines either didn't have what I wanted, or only had them for children. The vaccines that you can't get here you can potentially get at Ahli Hospital, though you'll need an appointment. It's a bit expensive without health insurance but with it I'm sure it's affordable.
Wholesale Market St, Doha, Qatar,Doha,+Qatar&cid=0,0,811927418928760327&ei=svDBULOOJZLC9gSH0IGIDg&ved=0CJgBEPwSMAA
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